Kenn is a top-rated instructor who has been leading dynamic, interactive and informative accounting programs for over 20 years.
He has extensive experience teaching all levels of accounting, auditing, ethics, fraud, SSARS, and other practice-related subjects, and has presented to groups at all levels, from students to seasoned professionals.
Kenn’s presentations focus on practical applications and include discussions among participants, examples, and case studies.
He consistently receives high ratings and evaluations in his presentations.
S e m i n a r s
Eight Hour
FASB Accounting and AICPA Auditing Update
This seminar updates participants on FASB and AICPA standards. It includes full coverage and discussions of all new FASB, SAS, SSARS, SSAE, and other standards.
Cases in Financial Statement Fraud
This program is a case study approach to learning about fraud in financial statements. It is valuable for anyone who prepares and reports on financial statements. Included in the program is a discussion on the recently issued ACFE Report to the Nations.
SSARS Preparations, Compilations and Reviews
This seminar covers all components of a SSARS preparation, compilation, and review engagements.
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial statements are the key to most business decisions. Often, the statements are presented
as a key piece of information, and often they are misunderstood. This program is an overview of financial statements, how data is presented, and how to extract needed information that is relevant to business decisions.
It will cover the format of the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and notes to the financial statements.
All Seminars Can Be Customized
Four Hour
AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct
This session will explore all areas of the Code of Professional Conduct (The Code). It includes those applicable to CPAs in both public practice and industry. There is a focus on commonly
encountered topics and new interpretations.
The New Revenue Standard
This course discusses the standard’s new five-steps approach to recognition in detail. In addition, it addresses many issues that were raised and discuss many areas that require detailed analysis.
New Jersey Law and Ethics
This program is New Jersey State approved and meets the requirements for CPAs licensed in the State. It covers The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct (The Code) as well as the laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey.
Lease Accounting – Making Sense of a Difficult Standard
This program makes sense of the controversial lease standard. The subtleties of the standard make it difficult to implement and monitor. There will be a detailed discussion on what constitutes a lease, how to monitor them, and ongoing challenges.
Performing Analytical Procedures
Analytical procedures were always a large part in planning an audit. After the Enron and other scandals in the late 1990s, the AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board (ASB) released a series of standards which put a greater emphasis on the procedures. Recently, recognizing the analytical procedures are key in evaluating the risk of material misstatement, the ASB has issued several standards addressing how procedures should be implemented.
Consolidation Accounting
Consolidations have always been a complex topic in accounting. This course will discuss the requirements to consolidate and private company options. It will cover which entities need to consolidate and include an in-depth discussion on variable interest entities (VIEs). It will also cover the FASB’s recent revisions to the Financial Accounting Concepts (FACs) chapter on entities.
Tax Basis and Other
Special Purpose Frameworks
Most small business entities do not have the support or financial need for GAAP basis financial statements. They keep their records on a tax basis for income tax reporting and either convert them to GAAP, cash, or present them to users as Non-GAAP financial statements.
The AICPA’s Fraud Risk Framework
This seminar will explore the AICPA’s new Fraud Risk Framework along with the new Statement on Standards for Forensic Services (SFAS). The importance of the CPAs role in fraud has become a hot topic among auditors and courts.
The Lease Standard: Nuts and Bolts
The new lease standard was implemented by non-public entities for years ended December 31, 2022. Implementing the standard will affect almost all balance sheets which could impact creditor analysis, loan covenants, and performance indicators.
Two Hour
Lessons from Implementation
of the Revenue Standard
The new revenue recognition standard has been implemented by all entities. The implementation process was long, detailed, controversial, and full of uncertainty. The principles-based standard requires an analysis and discussions about various approaches. In many cases, issues raised were not anticipated and met with disagreement.
Attestation Standards, What’s New
Attestation standards often take a back seat to audit and SSARS standards. Many practitioners don’t fully understand them and often don’t realize when they apply. This program will discuss the application of the statements of standards for attestation engagements (SSAEs) and when they apply.
Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest
This program explores the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct as it applies to Confidentiality and Conflicts of interest. Confidentiality is key to the CPA’s reputation as the trusted professional.
The Lease Standard:
Implementation Issues
The new lease standard needs to be implemented by non-public entities for years ended December 31, 2022. Implementing the standard will affect almost all balance sheets which could impact creditor analysis, loan covenants, and performance indicators. This presentation will focus on what companies have learned in implementing the standard.
SSARS: The New Focus on
Preparation Engagements
SSARS 21 changed the standards for when CPAs are associated with non-audit client financial statements. A major change was the introduction of a new level of service, preparation engagements. This change was not immediately embraced by most CPAs in public practice, and many have not provided the service in most situations.
Accounting for Digital Currency/ESG Disclosures and SASB Standards
This program focuses on areas that entities are seeing more and more often. Many entities are executing transactions in digital currency and more creditors are inquiring about Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies.
Additional Courses Offered Through Partnerships
Kenn Heaslip Seminars, LLC works with other CPE course developers and can deliver their material. The courses by other developers can be customized when presented through Kenn Heaslip Seminars, LLC. Ask about topics that are available.